Default parameters that you can use on the rule engine :
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Parameter Code | Field Type | Possible Field Values |
City Name | The city that visitor currently visit | _geoc | String | All Cities in the world |
Country Name | The Country that visitor currently visit | _geocn | String | All Countries in the world |
Wheather Temperature Celcius | Current Temperature (Celcius) of the city that visitor currently visit | _geowc | Numeric | -999.99 to 999.99 |
Wheather Temperature Fahrenheit | Current Temperature (Fahrenheit) of the city that visitor currently visit | _geowf | Numeric | -999.99 to 999.99 |
Wheather Status | Current wheather status of the city that visitor currently visit | _geowi | Array | [‘clear-day’, ‘clear-night’, ‘partly-cloudy-day’, ‘partly-cloudy-night’, ‘cloudy’,’rain’, ‘sleet’, ‘snow’, ‘wind’, ‘fog’] |
IP | Visitor’s IP Address | _ip | String | XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX (x is numeric value) |
Referrer Fragment | Referer URL’s fragment. (F.I. If the referrer URL is Fragment value will be properties) | _rf_f | String | anything |
Referrer Host Name | Referer URL’s host name. (F.I. If the referrer URL is Host Name will be | _rf_h | String | anything |
Referrer URL Path | Referer URL’s path. (F.I. If the referrer URL is Path will be /products/) | _rf_p | String | anything |
Referrer URL Query | Referer URL’s query. (F.I. If the referrer URL is query will be name=dynamic-content) | _rf_q | String | anything |
Referrer URL Schema | Referer URL’s schema. (F.I. If the referrer URL is schema will be https) | _rf_s | String | http or https |
Time Elapsed since First Visit (Hours) | Time Elapsed since First Visit | _tpu | Numeric | from 0 to 999999999999 |
Visit Duration (Seconds) | Total time spent by user on current visit as seconds | _tpv | Numeric | from 0 to 999999999999 |
URL Fragment | Current URL’s fragment. (F.I. If the current URL is Fragment value will be properties) | _url_f | String | anything |
URL Host Name | Current URL’s host name. (F.I. If the current URL is Host Name will be | _url_h | String | |
URL Path | Current URL’s path. (F.I. If the current URL is Path will be /products/) | _url_p | String | anything |
URL Query | Current URL’s query. (F.I. If the current URL is query will be name=dynamic-content) | _url_q | String | anything |
URL Schema | Current URL’s host name. (F.I. If the current URL is schema will be https) | _url_s | String | http or https |
Amount | Transaction Amount (you can only use this parameter on Purchase page) | am | Numeric | from 0 to 999999999999 |
Browser Agent | Browser Agent String | ba | String | Something like Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/60.0.3112.113 Safari/537.36 |
Browser Height | Browser’s current height | bh | Numeric | from 0 to 99999 |
Browser Language Code | Browser language code | bl | Numeric | en-US |
Browser Name | Browser Name | br | String | Can be any of the following : [‘chrome’, ‘msie’, ‘firefox’, ‘safari’, ‘opera’, ‘Opera Mini’ ,’webview’, ‘Yandex’, ‘Maxthon’, ‘omniweb’, ‘mercury’, ‘onebrowser’, ‘ucbrowser’, ‘silk’, ‘seamonkey’, ‘chromium’, ‘crios’] |
Browser Version | Browser Version | brv | Numeric | any number |
Browser Width | Browser’s current width | bw | Numeric | from 0 to 99999 |
UTM-Campaign | Google Analytics Campaign tag on URL | campaign | String | anything |
Member ID | Current Member ID | cuid | String | anything |
Entry Page | The page that user started to visit | ep | String | anything |
First Time Visit on Entry Page | This value is 1 when the user is new and user is on the first pageview | ftu | Numeric | can be 1 or empty |
UTM-Medium | Google Analytics Medium tag on URL | medium | ||
Current Country Local DateTime (YmdHis) | Current datetime for your website’s time zone. | now_local | Numeric Date | F.I. For 1 September 2017 10:32:59 Type 20170901103259 |
Current Country Local Hour (H) | Current Hour for your website’s time zone. You should add 0 if the value lower than 10 | now_local_hour | Hour format | from 00 to 23 |
How many minutes left to the end of the day | It gives minutes left to the midnight for your website’s time zone. F.I If the current local time is 22:30:00 the value would be 90 | now_min_to_midnight | Numeric | from 0 to 1440 |
Now – DateTime (UTC YmdHis) | Current datetime for UTC time zone. | now_utc | Numeric Date | F.I. For 1 September 2017 10:32:59 Type 20170901103259 |
Now – Hour (UTC) | Current Hour for UTC time zone. You should add 0 if the value lower than 10 | now_utc_hour | Hour format | from 00 to 23 |
Operating System | User’s operating system | os | String | One of [‘Windows’, ‘MacOS’, ‘iOS’, ‘Android’, ‘Linux’, ‘Unix’, ‘PlayStation’, ‘Blackberry’, ‘Symbian’, ‘Maemo’] |
Operating System Version | User’s operating system version | osv | Numeric | anything |
Page Name | The page name user currently visit | p | String | anything |
Product Category Code | If user on Product page this value gives you Product Category Code | pcatc | String | anything |
Product ID | If user on Product page this value gives you Product ID | pid | String | anything |
Product Image URL | If user on Product page this value gives you Product Image URL | pimg | URL | anything |
Platform | User’s Platform | plt | String | One of [‘Desktop’, ‘Tablet’, ‘Mobile’, ‘MobileApp’, ‘TabletApp’, ‘Console’, ‘TV’, ‘EBookReader’] |
Product Market Price | If user on Product page this value gives you Product Market Price | pmprc | Numeric | from 0 to 999999999999 |
Product Price | If user on Product page this value gives you Product Price | pprc | Numeric | from 0 to 999999999999 |
Product Title | If user on Product page this value gives you Product Title | pttl | String | anything |
Page View Count on Visit | Page View Count on current visit | pvc | Numeric | from 1 to 999999999999 |
REFERRER | Referrer URL that user come from | rf | URL | anything |
Screen Height | User monitor’s height | sh | Numeric | from 1 to 999999 |
UTM-Source | Google Analytics Source tag on URL | source | String | anything |
Screen Resolution | User monitor’s resolution | sr | Numeric | from 1 to 999999 |
Screen Width | User monitor’s width | sw | Numeric | from 1 to 999999 |
Transaction ID | Transaction ID (you can only use this parameter on Purchase page) | trid | String | anything |
First Visit Date | User’s First visit date | uft | Numeric Date | F.I. For 1 September 2017 10:32:59 Type 20170901103259 |
URL | Current URL | ur | URL | anything |
Visit Count | Visit Count | vc | Numeric | from 1 to 999999 |
Visit Start Date | Visit Start Date | vft | Numeric Date | F.I. For 1 September 2017 10:32:59 Type 20170901103259 |
Visit Last Date | Equal to now_utc parameter | vlt | Numeric Date | F.I. For 1 September 2017 10:32:59 Type 20170901103259 |
Test URL Parameter | wistest URL parameter value | wistest | String | anything |