Complete onsite marketing tool to analyze, implement, or change campaign banners for your website. Maximize your revenue by creating converting campaigns for your traffic.
Are you looking to create a special campaign for each unique visitor? If so, we’ve got you covered. Easily create dynamic campaigns using behavioral or financial data on your visitors to easily maximize revenue.
In order to maximize revenue, it’s important to segment your users and traffic alike. WebInStats segmentation module allows for segmentation via behavioral or financial data based on your traffic.
Each website is different – it’s important to experiment and see which version of the page convert best on your traffic to maximize revenue. Test out various page styles with a few short clicks using WebInStats A/B testing module.
Collecting and analyzing data from your traffic and visitors has never been simpler. We break down your recorded behavioral data into simple, understandable reports. Connect WebInStats analytics module to any other WebInStats product to learn everything about your visitors.
Push Stats is another amazing product from WebInstats to open more opportunities for your website(s) with the use of push notifications. Its amazing interface gets you started few minutes after you’ve integrated it into your website. And you don’t need any coding knowledge to use Push Stats; we have got you covered.
By simply adding 1 line of code, your website will instantly be integrated
with WebInStats.
WebInStats products will function perfectly on any device allowing for data analysis on the fly.
WebInStats products has been built with simplicity in mind – no technical skills are needed.
Seamlessly connect WebInStats with any other WIS product for further data access.